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You Don’t Have To Play To Feel Proud

Imagine scoring the winning point. It’s amazing, it’s a moment that you will never forget. You feel proud. Star Reporters don’t really get that opportunity. We have the opportunity to voice what we see and are proud of.

Yesterday I went to a team Austin volleyball game where they were playing Denver to see who would play for gold.After every serve, bump, set, or hit my heart started racing. I felt as if I was playing with them. Every time the ball flew through the air there was a moment of silence, when all I wanted was for our team to win. Thankfully Austin won and headed to play Boca, Ann Arbor, Detroit team.

That game was held today and I was anxious to see who would win. Would Austin win the gold? Sadly, Austin lost but we did win silver. Knowing that my friends won, and did such a good job makes me very proud and happy that I came from team Austin. We played well, were enthusiastic, and had great rachmanus. Go ATX!!!

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Hannah - Star ReporterYou Don’t Have To Play To Feel Proud
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